30 Jan 2015

Indian man painted in acrylics.

I really rather like my Indian man painted in acrylics.

In a past life I was a much respected Indian trader, 
so much so that I was given an Indian name
but unfortunately the Shaman was not able to hear it clearly.
I was savagely killed by the jealous white traders; 
I knew the shape of the spear that went into my side. 
The priest denied me the last rights as I was deemed a heathen for respecting the Indians. 
In another past life I was Chief Joseph's brother and I died on the Trail of Tears –
this was an emotional experience for me as I just burst into tears in a spiritual shop
while listening to the background music they were playing. 
As they were Shaman they travelled for me and found that my soul had found its rest
even though the situation suggested that this was not possible.

I used to live in Colorado Springs and the Indians of that area were The Utes.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ute people /ˈjuːt/ are an indigenous people of the Great Basin, now living primarily in Utah and Colorado. There are three Ute tribal reservations: Uintah-Ouray in northeastern Utah (3,500 members); Southern Ute in Colorado (1,500 members); and Ute Mountain which primarily lies in Colorado, but extends to Utah and New Mexico (2,000 members). The name of the state of Utah was derived from the name Ute. The word Ute means "Land of the sun" in their language.[3] "Ute" possibly derived from the Western Apache word "yudah", meaning "high up". This has led to the misconception that "Ute" means people high up or mountain people.

Chief Severo and family, ca. 1899

28 Jan 2015

5 youtubes of Native American paintings. Plus 2 Past Life experiences.

Airbrush - Tribal Skull with Head Dress by Alx

Indian Warrior Drawing.wmv She has 3 different Indian bloods in her veins and is proud of her heritage.
In a past life I was Chief Joseph's brother and died on the Trail of Tears - this was an emotional experience for me as I just bust into tears in a spiritual shop listening to the background music they were playing. As they were Shaman they travelled for me and found that my soul had found its rest even though the situation suggested that this was not possible. In another past life I was a very respected Indian trader who was savagely killed by the jealous white traders. I was denied the last rights as I was deemed a heathen for respecting the Indians. I felt their spear go into my side. 

 K. Henderson American Indian oil paintings

White Sage Art, Native American Indian Paintings by Karen Ivey

NAtive American Painting using two colours

23 Jan 2015

Red autumn fence with faries

The only living fence in a street of concrete barriers.
Can you see the fairies? There are nine in pearlised acrylic ink.

20 Jan 2015

Autumn leaves in acrylic with palette knife and 3 using watercolour.

Amazing landscape abstract painting by Peter Dranitsin - Shared Memories - acrylics on canvas

There is a youtube of a five year old girl painting autumn leaves but it wouldn't link here. 

                                          How to paint Autumn Leaves in watercolors, part 1

How to Paint Fall Leaves With Watercolor Fast and Loose
Capture the beautiful colors of fall with this how to paint video. Work
fast and loose and let the colors mix on the paper for a beautiful
result. Use watercolor pencil and a razor for details

acorns and maple leaf watercolor tutorial

16 Jan 2015

Acrylic abstract lady

I'm not sure about my feelings about her, 
maybe like real life there are so many feelings behind the feelings.
There is also heritage, style and age.
What do you see?

13 Jan 2015

4 abstract faces with ink, acrylic, water colour and mixed media.

Abstract Face Painting with Acrylics

To me this looks kinda sad with a little secret smile. M'reen

Inner Fight- Speed Painting
I think the mask makes her eyes look even more enigmatic. M'reen

Making of "The Arrival" - Watercolor / Colorex Speedpaint
What does the statement colour block from her lower lip suggest to you?

acrylic ink in canvas
I have to agree that I like using acrylic ink, unfortunately the angle of the nose has very sad memories for me.

10 Jan 2015

Using the shadow of a neck and shoulder to suggest hair.

I enjoyed Martina Shapiro's colourful painting video and just used the first part 
to paint my lady with her delightful neck and shoulder.