1 Nov 2013

Reflections of memory.

A reflection of a memory.

An engineer asked why there were more trees reflected than there were on the bank?
My answer was that I’d got confused.
Also any tree buff would point out some elementary mistakes and then there’s the fact
that I added far more roof timbers than my photograph showed
plus one or more little discrepancies.
What the heck! It’s my painting!
I know that Gargrave shamble walking this way and that; I know those pines in snow, sun and rain.
I’ve been threatened by the proud nest protecting swan that patrols this stretch of canal on its way past  Skipton to Leeds. I’ve wanted to find out how to cross the canal and wander on that rusting bridge across a little stream my painting ‘forgets’. I’ve walked past there with a multitude of emotions and potentials smiling hellos at walkers travelling in the Liverpool direction. I’m happy.

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