16 Dec 2014

4 portraits of young faces: abstract, oils, acarylic and watercolour

Painting Abstract Portrait in acrylics by artist Martina Shapiro

How to paint a portrait in oil paint. Short summary.

Paint a portrait, portrait painting demo by ben lustenhouwer

Acrylic painting techniques on canvas with ARTYSHILS

9 Dec 2014

3 abstract dream painting YouTubes.

"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality." - John Lennon

Abstract Art painting 'Edge of Dreams' Modern, contemporary, Mix Lang How to DEMO

Michael Lang

"Never ending dream" Painting

Abstract Textured 3D Metalic Painting 'Birth of Infinity' How to, Demo

Michael Lang

2 Dec 2014

Youtubes of Vibrant sunsets in watercolour and acrylic and pallet knife.

Leonid Afremov 

How to paint a beach sunset STEP by STEP Acrylic
Amy Pearce

How to paint a sunset with palm trees in watercolor

Mr. Otter Art Studio

Paint a Sunset in Watercolour

Hugh Templeton

29 Nov 2014

Curly white and black dogs.

Unfortunately I don't have a photo of the finished painting.
It took 60 photos to get just these two.
The white dog, Alphie, needs far more colour in his coat and beard.
These curls have posed quite a challenge.
Rosy's black curls were formed from dull watercolour with shiny black acrylic 
and with a mix of sparkly grey that no longer sparkles.
The result is that the painting changes with the light.
In the dark you cannot see Ruby's eyes 
and as you walk past her the light on the curls 'moves' as you pass.
The gold background brings Alphie forward from the flat background 
and it shines in electric light.
Now that Alphie has more dirty salmon pinks in his coat and a darker bears and ears -
(she didn't want the dried blood red of these beards) 
he looks good - in my opinion- with the gold background.

Perhaps you’d like to check out my sister blogs:
http://www.ourinnerminds.blogspot.com  which takes advantage of the experience and expertise of others.
www.turbochargedreading.blogspot.com    describes the steps to reading in the way your mind prefers. 
www.innermindworking.blogspot.com         gives many ways for you to work with the stresses of life

25 Nov 2014

How to draw a labradoodle and a poodle with a painting of two poodles.

Learn how to draw a labradoodle ( its a cross between a labrador and a poodle)
with children's book author and illustrator, Shoo Rayner. 

Anna Banana paints Romeo and Tiger - Toy Poodles - Anna Rees Art

How to Draw a Poodle

21 Nov 2014

Mr Cock Rooster

While he has received complements, he doesn't really work for me,
oh well, its only a piece of paper and it was an interesting painting him.
I may try again one day - we'll see.

17 Nov 2014

Cocks painted in an impressionist style, Chinese brush style and with acrylics on MDF.

A short video exhibiting 20 Impressionist style paintings 
of COCKS, aka Roosters, by Joey Havlock. 

Cockerel Painting. 
I always enjoy creating a painting where the subject 

is speaking to the subject.

Painting over a dark ground on MDF - 
gradually building up two sunlit cockerels.

4 Nov 2014

3 Still life paintings in: oils, watercolour and pencil

How I draw a yellow apple realistic drawing

Marcello Barenghi

Watercolor Still Life painting
Victoria Jankovic

Oil painting still life demonstration by David Shevlino
D Shev

31 Oct 2014

Zeus in watercolours.

My paining of Zeus quite simply didn't work out as I intended to try a completely new style!
When I use watercolours I basically paint 'ever' hair but I intended to try copy the style below.
Obviously I failed :) I ended up painting layers of wet on dry
as each new area painted meant that he previous areas were the wrong colour
I then went over the lot with one of those brushed for painting hairs or grasses.
I'm not happy with my colours so tomorrow I might just apply another layer.

28 Oct 2014

Boxer dog in acrylics and in coloured pencils

Boxer dog cartoon in acrylics

GSC Artwork

Critique your painting series Art tips w/ Lachri - Dog portrait 
in colored pencil
Painting critique of a colored pencil drawing of a boxer by artist Martha Carter.
These videos are intended as a learning tool to give you ideas on how to improve your own work. I am in no way saying that my way is the only way, I only offer the same suggestions I give to my own students in their work.

21 Oct 2014

lion, leopard, elephant, rhino, and buffalo.

Superb Wildlife Painting by Shahin Ebrahimi 

"Big Five" refers to 5 African animals: lion, leopard, elephant, rhino, and buffalo.

14 Oct 2014

Ballerina in acrylics

This painting had more than my usual range of 'mistakes' 
and that explains why she is pale in this photograph and not Wedgwood blue.
Even so, she is rather graceful.

10 Oct 2014

Ballerinas in oil, acrylic ink and pastel

Oil painting of a ballet dancer in a lovely graceful pose

I seem to favor the impressionistic painting methods using painter's knife. 
May be that is the reason I seem to like Andre Kohn's paintings. 
This painting is from a picture of a lovely ballet dancer 
that I used to paint in an impressionistic style that Andre uses.
Something about ballet dancers, they seem to float in the air! It is a pleasure to watch them dance.

"En Pointe" Ballet Dancers in Lena Karpinsky's paintings
Ballet is one of Lena's favorite themes,
and "En Pointe" is one of the art series appreciated by many Lena's art collectors.

drawing ballerina with pastel part 1 
- Ballerina mit Pastellkreide malen Teil 1
drawing technique pastel on velour paper - Zeichentechnik in Pastell auf Velourpapier

2 Oct 2014

Sports horses youtube

Obviously not a popular subject as this is the only youtube I could find to precede my painting.

Sports on Canvas: Polo, Rodeo, Jumpers, Hunters

This is a series to provide artist conceptions of various popular sports. We've already done thoroughbred racing, so this one deals with four different equestrian sports -- polo. fox hunting, rodeo, and jumpers. Music here is "Prelude No. 3 in A," by Heitor Villa-Lobos.

30 Sept 2014

Gold Street

It took me ages to draw this in the grid lines because I kept miscounting the squares :)
It's a pity the gold sky is not apparent.

26 Sept 2014

3 youtubes, Oil, watercolour and charcoal houses for you to enjoy.

Igor Sakharov
"House in the Country"(artist video tutorial painting drawing lesson)

Brick house watercolor painting. Allie Cat

The Old House Hfd - Charcoal drawings. ComedyFings

A film about The Old House in Hereford UK with some of my charcoal drawings of the building. I like drawing structures like this and like the symmetry and perspective of the famous building. Hope you enjoy this.

I couldn't get this really lovely Oil painting to copy 
so do take a peep. 

23 Sept 2014

'Tiffany' iris

The shapes of this iris are outlines like Tiffany glass.
I used perlescent liquid acrylic, a shiny silver blue and shiny silver green for the outlines.
I also brushed the shine over some areas that catch the light as you move past the painting.

19 Sept 2014

Iris in watercolour and Tiffany glass

Join Susan in her studio garden and watch over her shoulder as she demonstrates 
a quick capture method of sketching irises and a chicken with pen and watercolor.

Studio Sparkle is making Tiffany Lamps and the original design panel lamps as art glass pictures. 
The lamps send out bright in the dark. The picture panels, imaging sunshine and wind, 
were designed by Chiaki Sato, a Japanese artist.

16 Sept 2014

Cows at sunset.

While my drawing is very poor, I was caring for my father at the time
and this painting of cows pleased my father's farmer's mind.
He died a couple of weeks ago and so this painting takes on a special meaning for me.

10 Sept 2014

Acrylic Youtube paintings of cows.

Speed Painting of Cow

This is a time lapse painting of a cow. Painted with acrylic paint, it was done over about 90 minutes.

Purple Cow - Acrylic Painting Time Lapse by Nagualero

2 Sept 2014

Bayou - Swamp waterfall sunset painting

          There was no more information regarding this silent painting that has some exquisite detail.

John Kindle.
Bayous off the west Pearl River in southern Louisiana.
With Cajun music.

22 Aug 2014

3 methods of painting boats - computer, paints and wax

A boat! CS5, forty minutes.

Chris The Jam

LeRoy Neiman's Boats
The American sports painter Leroy Neiman is best known for his brilliant colors and his frenetic energy. Born in Saint Paul, Minnesota, probably in 1927 (though some sources say 1921), he and his mother were abandoned by his father at an early age, so growing up was difficult. He studied art in Chicago, and when Playboy got its start in 1953, Neiman's career took off. Playboy has featured many of his sports and leisure paintings over the years, and he now grosses more than $10 million a year for his paintings and serigraphs. His original paintings go for up to $500,000 each. Here are a few of his boating pictures, typical of his leisure art.

How to Paint A Sail Boat

Painting a sailing boat in Encaustic wax - Hot Wax painting demonstration by Hazel Rayfield
This demonstration shows how I painted a sail boat as part of this seascape painting using encaustic wax my heat tools on encaustic card : A4 in size 18.10.2012

19 Aug 2014

Welcome to William Jarvis

This portrait was taken from a small photograph on the Race Card – this is a small booklet that describes the racing and other interesting facts.
The portrait took me hours and I still have to go back in 
and correct the ‘deliberate’ mistake.

WILLIAM JARVIS is established as one of Newmarket’s longest serving and successful trainers.
He has trained from the historic Phantom House Stables for over 20 years and has enjoyed hundreds of winners, including some at the highest level.

12 Aug 2014

Painting the eye tutorials in watercolour and in oil.

Painting an eye in watercolor

Webisode 2: Painting the Eye in oil
In this webisode, artist Scott Waddell demonstrates his techniques for painting the eye in oil paint. 
He also discusses the various concepts he uses during the process

8 Aug 2014

Painting a bearded man.

I only ever met Nigel once in Ely Cathedral grounds and again on the market there.
I hope he eventually received the original and that life is good for him.
Thanks, Nigel. Whenever I look at this portrait I think of our conversations.

6 Aug 2014

Grow Painting (Speed Watercolor Painting)

California artist Aaron Smith 
paints men from a bad-ass neo-dandy beardo brigade from beyond time.

Artist Statement
The Victorian/Edwardian eras have always captured my attention. For years I've collected vintage photographs of men of the period. These men for me represent a masculine ideal, if largely a constructed one. Their bearded faces and distinguished attire are spectacular, while their stiff poses and serious expressions belie a certain vulnerability. My recent decision to translate these small colorless photographs into monumental, expressionist portraits is an attempt to ruminate on these contradictions. I also want to draw parallels between the rituals of initiation found in western culture and those practiced in tribal cultures by painting these gentlemen with colors inspired by Bird-of-Paradise and the extravagantly decorated Huli Wigmen of Papua New Guinea.

Music- The Books (featuring Jose Gonzalez)

Grow Painting (Speed Watercolor Painting)
"Grow" is a watercolor painting on paper by Allison Maletz. 

The "Beardsong (Ode to A Beard)" was written by Hannah Rockcliffe and Sophie Madeleine, Performed by Rocky and Balls. They own this song. I am not trying to sell this song, or video.

1 Aug 2014

Dustin Brown, Tennis Player.

This is my first portrait using watercolour paints and gold ink.
I couldn't attempt all that flying hair and wanted to depict the energy
for such an energetic and powerful game.

29 Jul 2014

Drawing Bob Marley in sugar just has to be seen!

Drawing Bob Marley in Sugar

This is simply sugar on black paper and a brush.

How To Draw A Rasta By Stefano Romano
This is a how to draw a rasta hope you like it and enjoy it and get some tips :)

26 Jul 2014

Raedwald's ceremonial helmet at Sutton Hoo.

The helmet I’ve painted is based on the remains of Rædwald, the ruler of the East Angles which is displayed at Sutton Hoo.
Mine has very many colours behind the metal; this is because I wanted to convey the hopes and fears and the personal and political aspirations of warfare and ceremony.
Interestingly the publicity photograph I copied does not look like the helmet shown
in other publications, pity I can't draw nicely but I think it depicts a certain sadness.