30 Sept 2014

Gold Street

It took me ages to draw this in the grid lines because I kept miscounting the squares :)
It's a pity the gold sky is not apparent.

26 Sept 2014

3 youtubes, Oil, watercolour and charcoal houses for you to enjoy.

Igor Sakharov
"House in the Country"(artist video tutorial painting drawing lesson)

Brick house watercolor painting. Allie Cat

The Old House Hfd - Charcoal drawings. ComedyFings

A film about The Old House in Hereford UK with some of my charcoal drawings of the building. I like drawing structures like this and like the symmetry and perspective of the famous building. Hope you enjoy this.

I couldn't get this really lovely Oil painting to copy 
so do take a peep. 

23 Sept 2014

'Tiffany' iris

The shapes of this iris are outlines like Tiffany glass.
I used perlescent liquid acrylic, a shiny silver blue and shiny silver green for the outlines.
I also brushed the shine over some areas that catch the light as you move past the painting.

19 Sept 2014

Iris in watercolour and Tiffany glass

Join Susan in her studio garden and watch over her shoulder as she demonstrates 
a quick capture method of sketching irises and a chicken with pen and watercolor.

Studio Sparkle is making Tiffany Lamps and the original design panel lamps as art glass pictures. 
The lamps send out bright in the dark. The picture panels, imaging sunshine and wind, 
were designed by Chiaki Sato, a Japanese artist.

16 Sept 2014

Cows at sunset.

While my drawing is very poor, I was caring for my father at the time
and this painting of cows pleased my father's farmer's mind.
He died a couple of weeks ago and so this painting takes on a special meaning for me.

10 Sept 2014

Acrylic Youtube paintings of cows.

Speed Painting of Cow

This is a time lapse painting of a cow. Painted with acrylic paint, it was done over about 90 minutes.

Purple Cow - Acrylic Painting Time Lapse by Nagualero

2 Sept 2014

Bayou - Swamp waterfall sunset painting

          There was no more information regarding this silent painting that has some exquisite detail.

John Kindle.
Bayous off the west Pearl River in southern Louisiana.
With Cajun music.